В то время я провожал своих гостей.
- 1.
I was seeing my guests off at that time.
translation added by Элина Бибер
Вчера весь день шёл дождь!
- 1.
it was raining all day long yesterday
translation added by Люба М - 2.
It was raining the whole day yesterday
translation added by Lily Yurevich
Чем ты занималась, когда я тебе позвонил?
- 1.
what were you doing when i called you?
translation added by Люба М
Сколько уроков у вас было в прошлую среду?
- 1.
How many lessons did you have last Wednesday?
translation added by Lily Yurevich
Он был врачом?
Ты когда-нибудь катался на коньках по замёрзшей реке?
- 1.
Have you ever skated on a frozen river?
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold en-ru
Почему вы выбрали эту тему?
- 1.
Why have you chosen this topic? / Why did you chose this topic?
translation added by Lily Yurevich
Папа уже ушёл
- 1.
Father has already left
translation added by Lily Yurevich - 2.
Father has already gone away
translation added by Катя Сутормина
Он никогда не моет посуду!
- 1.
He never washes the dishes
translation added by Lily Yurevich
и даже собака не поворачивает голову, потому что лижет лапу
- 1.
And even a dog doesn't turn its head because it licks its paw
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en