Настя Комаренкоasked for translation 5 лет назад
How to translate? (ru-en)
Друзья порекомендовали мне посмотреть фильм " Стажер". Он мнее очень понравился , изменил мои мысли , а позже начались изминения
- 1.
(The movie) The Intern was recommended (to me) by friends. I really liked it. It changed my thinking and then changes started taking place.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en - 2.
My friends recommended (that I watch) (the movie) The Intern. I did and I really liked it. It changed my outlook (on things) and then other changes kicked in.
translation added by Tatiana GerasimenkoGold ru-en