Nikhat Оnalanswered 7 years ago
answer (ru-en)
когда я был студентом, я получал призы по плаванию
When I was a student, I won prizes in swimming.
Nikhat Оnalanswered 8 years ago
answer (ru-en)
провести время с пользой
spend time usefully
Nikhat Оnalanswered 9 years ago
answer (ru-en)
где находится супермаркет
Where is the supermarket?
Nikhat Оnalanswered 9 years ago
answer (ru-en)
Nikhat Оnaladded translation 9 years ago
translation (ru-en)
Льет как из ведра!
It's raining cats and dogs!
Nikhat Оnalanswered 9 years ago
answer (ru-en)
пусть в каждом доме будет мир!
Let peace in every house.
Nikhat Оnalanswered 9 years ago
answer (en-ru)
fly down