Объясните пожалуйста разницу между Did you call? И you called?
See below...
The question form with an auxiliary verb and inversion is used when you're looking for information you don't know: Do you speak Russian? However a question in the form of a statement is used to confirm information that you already know. For example, if you hear someone speaking Russian on the phone, you can ask "You speak Russian?" In your example, the speaker knows he was called because he heard his name, but he confirms this with the question/statement: "You called?"
" Иногда, в разговорной форме, мы просто говорим так."
Для человека, задающего такой вопрос, стоит пояснить, что именно "you called?" - разговорный вариант.
Isn't that what I wrote?
Я не вижу, где именно ты сказал, какой вариант правильный, а какой разговорный.
Формально разница есть. Только "Do you speak English?" - грамматически правильно.
Oh, now I understand what you mean!