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Akbar Borajabovasked for translation 8 лет назад
How to translate? (en-en)

how is correct? I will arrive at home or I will arrive to home? or just I will arrive home

User translations (1)

  1. 1.

    без предлога звучит лучше


Discussion (8)

Алена Зоткинаadded a comment 8 лет назад

Arrive (where?) without any proposition
I'll arrive home at 10 pm

grumbleradded a comment 8 лет назад

Yes, "arrive home" is correct, but the explanation "arrive (where?) without any proposition" makes no sense.
Arrive TO work
Arrive TO school

Антон Протченко :3added a comment 8 лет назад

in this case the right answer woud be just: I will arrive home,just because 'home' with the verb of movement is used mostly without an article at all.but if you say:I am at home or I left smth at home, here you should write the article, but it is not such estrict..

Alexander Аkimovadded a comment 8 лет назад

Useful note, Anton, on movement vs location. Just a minor error: at is not an article, it's a preposition👍

Alex Hrypunadded a comment 8 лет назад

arrive to - типичная ошибка, которую любят вставлять в Toefl/Gmat
Если вы приехали в чужой дом, то вопрос не стоит: "Arrived at their home". Почему в свой дом - без предлога? Возможно потому, что в "I arrived home" home - не существительное, а выполняет роль наречия места (adverb).

Alexander Аkimovadded a comment 8 лет назад

Согласен - как наречие. 'When I'm in town' - in town тоже в функции наречия, так как без артикля

Alex $added a comment 8 лет назад

The right way would be "I arrived home" or
I am at home. (static)
I went home. (dynamic)

Arriving is an action, so you do not use a preposition.

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