Arrive (where?) without any proposition
I'll arrive home at 10 pm
how is correct? I will arrive at home or I will arrive to home? or just I will arrive home
без предлога звучит лучше
Arrive (where?) without any proposition
I'll arrive home at 10 pm
Arrive home звучит естественней, но люди до сих пор этот вопрос обсуждают. Я бы сказал 'get home'. Так оно вернее
Yes, "arrive home" is correct, but the explanation "arrive (where?) without any proposition" makes no sense.
Arrive TO work
Arrive TO school
in this case the right answer woud be just: I will arrive home,just because 'home' with the verb of movement is used mostly without an article at all.but if you say:I am at home or I left smth at home, here you should write the article, but it is not such estrict..
Useful note, Anton, on movement vs location. Just a minor error: at is not an article, it's a preposition👍
arrive to - типичная ошибка, которую любят вставлять в Toefl/Gmat
Если вы приехали в чужой дом, то вопрос не стоит: "Arrived at their home". Почему в свой дом - без предлога? Возможно потому, что в "I arrived home" home - не существительное, а выполняет роль наречия места (adverb).
Согласен - как наречие. 'When I'm in town' - in town тоже в функции наречия, так как без артикля
The right way would be "I arrived home" or
I am at home. (static)
I went home. (dynamic)
Arriving is an action, so you do not use a preposition.