AL, you added such a mishmash of meanings, that I had no idea what the original verb meant. Then I looked it up and realized we have a word for this - a yes-man.
Она вечно поддакивает
AL, you added such a mishmash of meanings, that I had no idea what the original verb meant. Then I looked it up and realized we have a word for this - a yes-man.
Uly, is there a word " a yes-woman"? :)
That would sound silly.
There's another idiom that uses "man," which is used by both men and women. If there's a job to do and you feel like you're the one to do it, you can say "I'm your man" even if you're a woman.
Uly, is it correct to say -a yes-woman or only - a yes- man? Thank you.
Sorry. I see!
Margarita, if you wanted to be pedantic you could say yes–woman, for instance if you were making a point, because most people would stick to the original idiom and say yes-man regardless of gender.
Uly , thank you for detailed explanation. 😊
Thank you!
Хотя в этом контексте русский вариант звучит в негативной манере.
Английский тоже
A yes-man is basically a "brown noser," and that is never flattering.
Хм, я не знаю в русском языке эквивалента "I'm your man" (впрочем, как и "yes-man"). Я бы сказала в этой ситуации:"Эта работа по мне" =или= "Возьмите (на работу) меня".)
Я создан для этой работы!
Я подхожу для этой работы!
Я та(тот), кто вам нужен.