⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 7 years ago
Valery: your translation is more for "couples that never HAD -or- STOOD a chance."
couples that never got a chance
пары, у которых не было возможности
Next week we will re-open the auction for couples that never got a chance to bid in this week's auction.
пары, у которых так ничего и не получилось;
пары, которым так ничего и не удалось
пары. у которых с самого начала не было ни шанса
Valery: your translation is more for "couples that never HAD -or- STOOD a chance."
Never got a chance simply means that they missed an opportunity, weren't given a chance to do something. It doesn't mean that their relationship didn't work out.
Значит: ЕЩЁ (ни разу) не было возможности)
Да, точно.