у меня так много мыслей, что моя голова сейчас лопнет от их переизбытка
User translations (4)
- 1.
I have so many thoughts running through my mind that I feel like my head's going to explode.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en2 - 2.
У меня так много мыслей, что моя голова сейчас лопнет от их переизбытка.
EditedThere are such a lot of thoughts in my head that it's ready to burst now.
translation added by ` ALGold ru-en1 - 3.
I have so many ideas that my head is going to blow up.
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en1 - 4.
my head is going to explode with all these ideas overflowing it
translation added by grumblerGold ru-en1
Discussion (10)
Tatiana: "that lot" and "so" are out of place here. Also, your translation sounds like a plan along the lines of: "I'm really thirsty now, so I'm going to drink a glass of water." Not your best work :(
Al, not bad, except I would have said "there ARE such a lot..."
Grumbler, interesting and creative twist. The only problem is that usually something overflows with something, so you should have written: My head is going to explode, overflowing with all these ideas.
Elena, your translation is too literal. It would have been perfect without "because of their overabundance." It's too clunky.
Thank you for the ngram, it shows that both forms exist, but doesn't explain in what context. THOUGHTS is plural, so there ARE a lot sounds better. With a singular or collective noun, we use IS: there is a lot of sugar, there's a lot of concern about... Instead of giving me Ngrams, you should ask me questions.
Я поняла, Улий, спасибо за комментарий!)
Ok, Uly, thanks🌝
Anytime, girls 😊