It was begun with the _____ of protecting...
It was begun with the of protecting Londoners from invasion by the river. Since then the Tower has served as fortress, palace, state prison and royal treasury, now it is a museum.
It was begun with the aim of protecting Londoners from invasion by the river. Since then the Tower has served as fortress, palace, state prison and royal treasury, now it is a museum.
EditedСвоим возникновением он обязан необходимости защитить Лондон от вторжения со стороны реки. С тех пор Тауэр служил в качестве крепости, государственной тюрьмы и королевской сокровищницы. В наши дни это музей.
It was begun with the _____ of protecting...
with the AIM of... Улий, я тут сомневаюсь в одном месте: invasion BY THE RIVER - Is this invasion OF SOME ENEMIES who might cross the river and attack Londoners or, maybe, FLOOD?
Спасибо, так и думала, но сомневалась.)
Значит, invasion BY the river - вторжение СО СТОРОНЫ реки.)
Ага, спасибо 😊