Это неправильный перевод. ТАСКLЕ обозначает повалить на землю кого-либо. Еще в переносном смысле можно TACKLE проблемы, т.е. разобраться с ними, разрешить их.
he knows how to tackle women
он знает как вести себя с женщинами ( найти общий язык)
Discussion (9)
Это правильный перевод.
"tackle women" doesn't mean to charm them or to know how to talk to them. It actually means to deal with women's issues, such as how a company tackles women in the workplace... how it deals with this issue and its potential problems:
Not a big difference though
BIG difference - I'm a native speaker and I've never heard that in my life, much less used it myself.
Furthermore, in a Google search, your sentence doesn't come up even one time:
Any man who tackles women should be in jail! lol
I especially love the part where he says "Not a big difference though" hahaha
I know! Isn't that priceless?