Mohamed Sayedadded a comment 9 лет назад
Thanks , what is the first form of скуку
I feel bored
я скучаю / мне скучно (i feel... - настоящее время)
я заскучал / я почувствовал скуку
мне скучно
я скучал
Thanks , what is the first form of скуку
i felt bored - я скучал
Я скучаю , is it the same meaning like I miss expression ?
not exactly. я скучаю closer to i have no mood, I have no interest
No, Mohamed, it's not the same thing. When you miss someone/something that means you feel lonely or sad, or both, because you can not be with that person (or do something you like to do). When you're bored that means that you have nothing to do at that particular moment or you're not interested in what you're doing at that moment and that makes you feel dissatisfied.
It's "скука"