Я спросил его о чем была газетная колонка. newspaper rack(s).
to be the racks
Author’s comment
I asked him what was the racks about...
User translations (1)
- 1.
I asked him what was the racks about...
EditedЯ спросил его, по какому поводу он нажрался до полусмерти...
Translator's comment
RACK-"мёртвый сон","отруб"
I'm dead tired. I need some rack time bad. - Я смертельно устал. Мне нужно лечь и отрубиться.
THE RACK-кровать, место для сна; лежанка, койка.
to RACK UP -
1/ накапливать,собирать;намотать,набрать(очки,деньги и т.д.)
2/ сломать,раздавить,разрушить; раздолбать
translation added by ` ALGold en-ru1
Discussion (3)
Racks or racket?
_AL: neither your explanation nor your translation make any sense because the English post doesn't make any sense. An English-speaking person would say "I asked him what the racks were about" so this was either written by a non-English speaker, or not properly written down by the person who posted this question. Either way, the word RACKS has a lot of meanings, and BED is the last one I would assign it in any situation, especially this one. Perhaps the author could give us more context?