Хм, я вот думаю, что в первой ситуации скажет наш человек. Вряд ли это будет: В данный/ этот момент. Скорее ТЕПЕРЬ УЖЕ (нейтрально), беру/ давайте любой. -или- Мне уже ПО БАРАБАНУ/ПО ХРЕНУ/ФИОЛЕТОВО, давайте любой.
at this point
в данный момент
AT THIS POINT means more than just "now." (1) When the speaker uses it, he is signaling a pivotal point of time in a somewhat touchy situation (or at least one that he considers touchy for whatever reason). For example, say you've been waiting in line for two hours to buy a gadget. When you finally get to the counter, the salesperson tells you they have what you want, but not in the color you requested. You're so tired of waiting and frustrated with the whole thing, that you say "At this point, I'll take any color." In other words - things have gotten to the point that I'll settle for whatever you give me. Or say your parents have always been "eccentric." So when you find out that they've been arrested for skinny-dipping at the local lake, you say: At this point, nothing my parents do surprises me. (2) It's used to report on the status quo at certain points within an ongoing process: (police) A: Do we know anything about the suspect? B: At this point, all we have is his address.
в этот момент
Хм, я вот думаю, что в первой ситуации скажет наш человек. Вряд ли это будет: В данный/ этот момент. Скорее ТЕПЕРЬ УЖЕ (нейтрально), беру/ давайте любой. -или- Мне уже ПО БАРАБАНУ/ПО ХРЕНУ/ФИОЛЕТОВО, давайте любой.
Thanks for your detailed comment, Uly! It's what we really need.
It's always a pleasure, Tatiana, thank you for always commenting.
я вот думаю. I just looked it up and it means "Hmmm, I'M WONDERING what our man here would say in the first situation. Great expression! Thank you, Tatiana!
My pleasure, Uly!
Я вот думаю...= I am wondering... Great!