Ули, the principal is a woman too! Don't you notice? :)
Что ты делал вчера в это время? Я писал доклад в библиотеке. Когда мисс медоуз вошла в музыкальный зал, там её ожидали четвёртый, пятый и шестой классы. Когда она начала петь, она все ещё думала о письме от бэзила. Директор школы сидела за своим письменным столом, когда мисс медоуз вошла в её кабине
See below...
What were you doing yesterday at this time? I was writing a report in the library. When Miss Meadows walked into the music hall, the fourth, fifth and sixth grades were gathered there waiting. Even as she began to sing, she was still thinking about the letter from Basil. The school principal was sitting behind his desk when Miss Meadows walked into his office.
Ули, the principal is a woman too! Don't you notice? :)
Yes, from сидела) She is still a principal :)