no problem
'NO PROBLEM' is a common English idiomatic expression that DOES NOT directly (word-for-word) translate into Russian as 'NET PROBLEM' but, instead, should be translated as 'NE VOPROS' or 'RESHIM I ETY ZADACHKY' or 'NICHEGO STRASHNOGO'--which is the ONLY correct translation because prior to 1989, the Soviet press and cinema did not really see this phrase that often and after the collapse of the USSR, many self-taught pro-Western Russian "translators" began mis-translating this common English phrase. Today, unfortunately, hundreds of similar mis-translations exists in modern Russian. For example: the English word 'hype' is butchered as 'khaip' instead of 'azhiotazh' and the word 'puzzle' is accepted as 'pazle' in Russian when it should have been translated as 'golovolomka' and the list goes on. Please use multiple dictionaries because each dictionary has its own (limited) style and depth of authority. Be sure to consult the Merriam-Webster's Dictionary for the American usage of English.