grumbleradded a comment 3 years ago
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Жарь-Лук де Блююasked for translation 3 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)
User translations (1)
- 1.
cлишком выступающий (о носе)
translation added by grumblerGold en-ru2
Discussion (3)
il--ya [away]added a comment 3 years ago
слишком выступающие ягодицы
"In patients with overprojected buttocks, the desired goal is to reduce the projection and create a depression at the waist by cinching above the hip."
проецировать поверх чего-то
"Children ran their hands over the plane of fog, over projected objects and followed shapes and structures of projected objects with their fingers."
избыточно предсказывать
"The mean error (Figure 3a) is positive except at a few durations around twenty years ahead, that is , there has been a tendency for the UK population to have been overprojected."
grumbleradded a comment 3 years ago
over projected objects
ну и при чем здесь ЭТО?