Бурда с ошибками
If the customer pushes through this then tey will find it should go away.
If the customer pushes through this, then they will find it should go away.
EditedЕсли посетитель/покупатель потерпит, то обнаружит, что это прекратится (пройдёт)/что проблема уйдёт.
If the customer pushes through this, then they will find it should go away.
Edited* * *
Бурда с ошибками
Everything is correct)) The only mistake was TEY. Let me know if you need me to explain what this means.
I do need!
the second part is confusing a bit. too wordy?
Nope, the second part is perfectly natural.
why not to explain what this is about so we could translate?
i’m not home yet. I’ll be home in a little while. It’s going to take some explaining.
got it.
(1) PUSH THROUGH means to be patient until something ends; (2) THEY WILL FIND means they will see, in the end... (3) that it SHOULD go away; here the speaker is using the pattern SHOULD + [verb] in which both the word "should" and the verb are stressed. This pattern gives a meaning of "if my prediction is correct/unless I'm mistaken, then THIS will definitely happen." So here, they're obviously talking about a problem. The speaker is saying "if the customer is patient and lets some time go by, then unless I'm completely mistaken, the problem will definitely just go away."
1. Uly, I've never heard that PUSH THROUGH means to be patient until something ends... I briefly checked online and there were no definitions meaning to be patient...
2. In general, if I understood your explanation correctly then the confusing part for me was 'IT'. Can we change the sentence like this: "If the customer pushes through this, then they will find THE PROBLEM should go away." ?
(1) I can assure you that this is what it means. (2) Exactly - IT is the problem or the situation at hand.
It's weird the original says "then they will find it.." why not to use THE PROBLEM? Isn't it confusing?
Because the problem was mentioned in a previous sentence which we can’t see.
Russ ”it” here simply substitutes something that was mentioned before in the conversation.
Если покупатель/посетитель потерпит, то обнаружит, что это прекратится/что проблема уйдёт
Thank you, Olga!!!)))))))
Olga, please add your translation!