Interesting rant, but I didn't even know the word 'nosh'...
16 'fuck' (and variations)
And I thought it was only Lingvo where people were lazy to use uppercase for 'i' - 21/46
Oleg Shevaldyshevadded a note 4 years ago
some funny (but cursing and swearing) reading about the importance of a single "a" article...
Discussion (11)
And plenty of blasphemy :(
He also made a big typo himself - “Jesus looks <bad> with a bear”... he meant beard.
Grumbler, a nosh is a snack, a bite to eat - it’s Jewish slang.
Well, now, after reading, I know...
this letter is what I call "a grain of gold in a ton of sand" - he provided his explanation about the importance of the "a" but surely it could be done less wordy and less emotional
but - we probably would have never heard about this letter if it was not so emotional...
That’s true enough. I can handle profanity, I just can’t stand blasphemy.
интересно, что многие словари, в т.ч. и Лингво, дают 'богохульство' среди значений и слова profanity
grumbler, это значение 'богохульство' (blasphemy) у слова profanity описывается и в Chambers, и Collins и др. словарях
Я именно это и хотел сказать. Получается, что profanity - это более широкое понятие, которое включает в себя blasphemy
My comment means that I can handle мат, but I just can’t stand богохульство.