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Влада Корзунadded translation 5 years ago
translation (en-ru)

they kind a favour

Они немного похожи


Discussion (11)

grumbleradded a comment 5 years ago

....We begin with Aibileen, the 53-year-old maid who now works for Miss Leefolt. Miss Leefolt is 23, and has minimum interest in Mae Mobley, her two year old with “big brown eyes and honey colour curls. The bald spot in the back of her hair kinda throw things off. She get the same wrinkle between her eyebrows when she worried, like her mama. They kind a favour except Mae Mobley so fat. She ain’t gonna be no beauty queen. ...

⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 5 years ago

Ha ha, that’s from the book “the help” which is narrated in the first person in southern Negro English. Please note that similarity is never stated this way in regular, correct English.

⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 5 years ago

We would say “they kind of favor each other”

⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 5 years ago

Влада, this is not a good example to put up for learning

Tatiana Gerasimenkoadded a comment 5 years ago

Vlada seems to be doing a research into Negro English.)

⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 5 years ago

She’s going to have everyone on here talking like that

Влада Корзунadded a comment 5 years ago

I have just written it for myself. But thank you for correct version and remarks! They are very useful. Are you English teachers or just learning English/Russian?

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