Tatiana Gerasimenkoadded a comment 5 years ago
Having/concentrating an unlimited power, they would do away with the freedom of speech without hesitation.
Сосредоточив в своих руках неограниченную власть, они без малейшего колебания разделались бы со свободой слова.
Having/concentrating an unlimited power, they would do away with the freedom of speech without hesitation.
Having concentrated unlimited power in their hands, they would have done away with freedom of speech without the slightest hesitation. (?)
Wielding unlimited power, they would have done away with freedom of speech at the drop of a hat.
Wielding unlimited power, they wouldn't have hesitated for one second to do away with free speech.
Кирилл - гений!!!!
Wielding unlimited power, they would have done away with freedom of speech at the drop of a hat.
Wielding unlimited power, they wouldn't have hesitated for one second to do away with free speech.
Я непреклонности ты в хорошем или плохом смысле?!
И лучше Улия не оценивать!