We actually call them DRAFT DODGERS
draft evader
уклонист (от армии/от призыва)
One is a draft evader living in Canada; another died in Vietnam
Один - уклонист и живёт в Канаде, второй погиб во Вьетнаме
We actually call them DRAFT DODGERS
Looks like I am stuck in 1920s...
Улий, is it formal vs informal? 'Fare evader' seems very official while 'fare dodger' like slang
It’s neither formal nor informal. If you’ll look at the Ngram again, you’ll see DRAFT DODGER became popular in the 40’s and then during the Vietnam war in the 60’s it became the mot juste during a time when young men were going to Canada and staging demonstrations where they burned their draft cards in defiance of the draft. Today, it’s almost what we use exclusively for an evader.