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Cost refunfled
Unbundled prices
User translations (1)
- 1.
заново/повторно связанный/упакованный
Translator's comment
было неплохо бы сказать, что именно rebundled
translation added by grumblerGold en-ru1
Discussion (6)
Пожалуйста, но не понял...
REbundled или UNbundled?
И что такое refunfled ?
Unbundled prices - цены, разбитые по статьям, на составляющие.
Rebundled - наоборот.
"3 reasons why customers are buying the re-bundled fares:
Ease of purchase: As customers come to understand the re-bundled fares, they may opt to purchase the package rather than opt separately for each of the component parts. Some customers resist the new complexity caused by too much choice and appreciate the re-bundling of features they value.
Discount on the ala carte pricing: When we introduced branded fares at Frontier Airlines, we offered a significant discount off the ala carte pricing for the constituent pieces. A third of our customers immediately opted for the higher re-bundled fares.
Extras, not available otherwise: Sometimes airlines bundle into their branded fares features that are not actually available on an ala carte basis. Priority boarding, for example, may be available in a branded fare but not sold separately."
Можно еще сказать "обратно" вместо "заново/повторно"
встречается в тексте и rebundled, и unbundled🙈 спасибо Вам!