Whether this is what the founding fathers wanted or anticipated for education, no ones knows, however, it remains that the prese
The number of strong American leaders has diminished, and the godly principles on which America was founded have vanished amongst the whirlwind of cases such as Scopes and Abington vs. Schempp. The quality of teachers has dropped, which is partially related to the quality of students being taught. As students are less effectively educated, those who become teachers will be less effectively educated, and will less effectively educate the people they teach, which starts the cycle again.
User translations (1)
- 1.
Этого ли хотели или ожидали от образования отцы-основатели, никто не знает, однако по-прежнему...
The number of strong American leaders has diminished, and the godly principles on which America was founded have vanished amongst the whirlwind of cases such as Scopes and Abington vs. Schempp. The quality of teachers has dropped, which is partially related to the quality of students being taught. As students are less effectively educated, those who become teachers will be less effectively educated, and will less effectively educate the people they teach, which starts the cycle again.
Example translation
Количество сильных американских лидеров сократилось, и религиозные принципы, на которых была основана Америка, исчезли в вихре судебных разбирательств, таких, как Скопс и Эбингтон против Шемпа. Качество учителей снизилось, что отчасти связано с качеством обучающихся студентов. Поскольку студенты обучаются недостаточно эффективно, те из них, которые становятся учителями, будут недостаточно квалифицированы и будут некачественно обучать своих студентов, и всё повторится по кругу.
#Educationtranslation added by Holy MolyGold en-ru2