grumbleradded a comment 6 лет назад
idling - здесь, скорее всего, вовсе не холостой ход
formed minutes idling while he drove the guy’s car into the woods, where exactly he wouldn’t say
I sat in the Ford, time snipped in two, the windshield wipers clicking rain drops into arcs. Bobby Lee told me to wait for him here on the narrow road against the river.I did what he’d said, cut the headlights, the heater, and formed minutes idling while he drove the guy’s car into the woods, where exactly he wouldn’t say
накручивая минуты на холостом ходу, пока он отгонял машину того парня в лес, куда точно он не сказал
idling - здесь, скорее всего, вовсе не холостой ход