You can introduce people like that?
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User translations (2)
- 1.
I am presenting (to) you
translation added by grumblerGold ru-en1 - 2.
let me introduce to you
translation added by Alexander АkimovGold ru-en1
Discussion (24)
No, we introduce reports, presentations, shows in such a way...
"Разрешите/позвольте вам представить" - это о человеке/людях
Your translations don’t say anything to me. PRESENT means to GIVE in a formal setting: We’re presenting Elena (with) a plaque for her valuable donations to our cause.” Furthermore, you don’t introduce people to a report, show, etc., so I’m having a hard time making out what this means. Can you provide a snippet so I can see the context?
"Разрешите/позвольте вам представить" - не то же, что "Представляю вашему вниманию"
present... real “estates” in Bulgaria? You can’t trust reverso translations entirely.
This looks more to me like “submit something for your consideration“ or “for your perusal.” If you write a snippet, I can translate it correctly.
Представляю Вашему вниманию схему крыла бабочки...
I’d like to call/draw your attention to...
I just wanted to show you how this phrase is used in Russian...
Today I am presenting to you the product of our cooperation.
All of the strategies that I am presenting to you in our sessions find their roots in the book of Proverbs.
Grumbler, I'm not say that the phrase "I'm presenting to you" doesn't exist. I'm trying to figure out if it effectively translates the original post. Would a Russian say that phrase when (1) handing someone a trophy at an official commemoration/event? (2) announcing an act on a show? (3) introducing the world to a new technology like a phone that does something never before seen?
Andrew Andrew, can you post the entire sentence you saw or heard?
Definitely not (1) - because "вашему *вниманию*"
(3) - very natural
(2) is possible
(3) We/I present to you...
(2) We give you...
(1) We(‘d like to) present you with...
(4) We’d like to call/draw your attention to... (image, report, chart, etc.)
I don’t like the progression “presenting” (that’s what confused me) and I like “introduce” even less.
Почему бы не сказать progression, например, перед собственным выступлением? Я это делаю сейчас и (одновременно) собираюсь это продолжить в ближайшие несколько минут.
draw your attention здесь не подходит
Это вступительная фраза либо в начале презентации/выступлени, либо в сопроводительном письме
представляю вашему вниманию нашу новую разработку...
представляю вашему вниманию группу ААА с их последней песней...
представляю вашему вниманию мою статью "..."
DRAW YOUR ATTENTION тоже вступительная фраза:
I'd like to call your/the board's/our readers' attention to our (attached) revised report/my article.
As for the progresSIVE (that way my typo), if you're handing someone a trophy, they can see what you're doing, so stating "I'm presenting..." is too obvious. We make it more ceremonial by saying "I (hereby) present to you/you with..."
With shows, we say "WE/I give you the Rolling Stones!"