Nick Makaronokadded a note 6 years ago
My question is what is more correct:
1) Is it that sheet which we should ask the questions from
2) Is it that sheet from which we should ask the questions
3) if neither of mine matches write down the correct one, please.
Discussion (14)
My version: Is it the list we are to ask the questions from?
Is this the sheet we are to ask questions from?
На истину в последней инстанции не претендую. Should не подойдёт, если имеется в виду задание в уч. заведении.
+++Tatiana - you should post that.
Nick and Alex: IT would only work here if you’re confirming that you and the speaker are talking about the same time sheet, not if you’re trying to identify the correct time sheet to ask questions from, which Tatiana correctly translated with THIS.
Thanks, Uly.
Anytime buddy)))
I can't post anything here.))))
Oh yeah
Thanks, guys. But,I still don’t understand why should i write are. I had asked the same question in the wordreference and they said that (Is that [one] the sheet we should ask the questions from?) would be more correct.
Nick, сначала скажите, в какой ситуации задаётся этот вопрос?
Nick, you can say WE SHOULD ASK or WE ARE TO ASK or WE HAVE TO ASK or WE MUST ASK, but the best pattern for your question is: “Is this/that the list we... questions from?”
1 is more common I think but 2 is also ok to me
both of variant