не вижу, почему "заросший"
непонятный/невнятный/невразумительный - хотя, конечно, это не самые лучшие эпитеты для trail.
еле заметный?
it led a haphazard but very real trail
Author’s comment
haphazard - заросший (в данном контексте)?
В контексте:
It also made her realize something else. This was her first sign of civilization in days. After half a week of flying over barren, silent mountainsides, it was quite possible that Rainbow Dash was reaching the very edge. She followed the old tracks in the ground, and it led a haphazard but very real trail eastward. As she flew along, she realized that—indeed—the horizon was beginning to even out, and there loomed before her a grand green haze of flat plains and rolling hills.
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Discussion (9)
Спасибо. Под "заросший" я имел в виду "еле заметный", но это выражение в голову не пришло.
Are you sure it doesn’t say LEFT a trail? LED doesn’t sound correct.
This is a paragraph from the book:
Why "led" doesn't sound correct? Within the meaning of the story the old tracks led her to the trail, am I right?
It says IT led - what is IT?
What can you expect from some "Imploding Colon"?
По-русски можно сказать "и ЭТО привело его..."
ЭТО - действие, процесс (следования)
Ну вот не надо этого. Он пишет хорошие истории.
In that sentence, IT isn’t licensed by any contextual element I can see. THEY (the tracks) would have made more sense. I have a problem with LED A TRAIL (to somewhere), which just doesn’t sound natural or grammatical to me. I would have said [the tracks] THEY TRACED/ETCHED/GRAPHED/INDICATED A TRAIL (to somewhere).