Did you mean a “mob boss”, Tatiana?
знаешь,я не хочу выглядеть в твоих глазах каким-то мохорщиком,блатмейстером что ли
User translations (1)
- 1.
Знаешь, я не хочу выглядеть в твоих глазах каким-то мо/ахорщиком, блатмейстером, что ли.
EditedYou know, I don't want to appear like a mob boss or a dishonest person to you
translation added by Tatiana GerasimenkoGold ru-en2
Discussion (5)
Of course, I did! Умывальников начальник и мочалок командир!😁 Спасибо, Ольга! Пришлось изучать русский криминальный сленг.
While I was somehow able to figure out the meaning of блатмейстер (since it derives from the once iconic блат, and both parts from German "das Blatt" and "der Meister", the entire thing jokingly hinting at бАЛЕТмейстер (Balletmeister), that махорщик (I guess А-spelling would be better as the only stem I could think of is that as in махорка - green tobacco) turned out to be totally new to me too.😎
thank you very much ladies )