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Светлана Синюгинаasked for translation 7 лет назад
How to translate? (en-ru)
At a formal meeting people immediateli exchande their business cards.If you work in the field of any servise ,a restsurant or a hotel,the wey you meet people is veri important
User translations (1)
- 1.
At a formal meeting people immediately exchange their business cards. If you work in the field of any service, a restaurant or a hotel, the way you meet people is very important.
EditedНа официальной встрече люди сразу же обмениваются визитными карточками. То, как вы знакомитесь с людьми, очень важно, если вы работаете в сфере услуг, в ресторане или в отеле.
translation added by ` ALGold en-ru0